OBS - Oswald Building Services
OBS stands for Oswald Building Services
Here you will find, what does OBS stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Oswald Building Services? Oswald Building Services can be abbreviated as OBS What does OBS stand for? OBS stands for Oswald Building Services. What does Oswald Building Services mean?The United States based company is located in Exton, Pennsylvania engaged in commercial real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of OBS
- Observation
- Observation
- OBServer
- Observatory
- OBStetrics
- Ocean Bottom Seismometer
- Open Book Systems
- Outward Bound Singapore
View 119 other definitions of OBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- OAEC O'brien Associates Educational Consultants
- OIM Online Internet Marketing
- OCC Odessa Country Club
- OIMJFC The Official Indian Michael Jackson Fan Club
- OPCH Our Place Community Hub
- ODR Open Deal Realty
- OSGPL Oscar Security Group Pty Ltd
- OBL Omega Bikes Ltd
- OCCI Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- OPIDG OPI Digital Group
- OSI One Source Inc
- OGR Oscar Global Research
- OSTS One Stop Truck Shop
- OOIRPL One One Infinity Rewards Pty Ltd
- OEC Orion Engineered Carbons
- ONRGIB Orange National Retail Group Inc. Brokerage
- OFII Omega Financial Investments and Insurance